A resistance band is also called a resistance band. This is a fitness elastic that you use during your fitness activities. You can do various exercises with it. The best resistance bands are of a high quality. It could often happen that a resistance band breaks too quickly. Of course you can't use that.
Resistance bands help build muscle. They are therefore widely used by bodybuilders, runners , fitness enthusiasts, skaters and many more. Also ideal for rehabilitation. Use it in your daily training program. Below are the best resistance bands in a row.
For beginners and professionals
It is often thought that resistance bands are only for beginners. That is not true at all, because professional athletes also use them every day. In America, the best resistance bands are perhaps the most used fitness tools. We are less familiar with this in the Netherlands and Belgium, but it is on the rise.
What can you do with resistance bands? These are stretchable bands of elastic material. It provides good resistance during various exercises. Thus, the strength in the muscles gradually increases. The advantage of resistance bands is that you have little chance of overload or injuries. That is why the best resistance bands are also widely used by physiotherapists.
The colors resistance bands.
There are different types of resistance bands. These are all shown in one color. The higher the resistance of the band, the greater the force on the muscles. You have resistance bands in four different resistance levels. How the colors are arranged depends a bit on the brand. Below is an example, but this again differs per brand.
These are the colors of resistance bands that you come across with many brands:
- Green (extra light) – Suitable for novice athletes or for recovery.
- Blue (light) – Suitable for the upper body.
- Yellow (middle) – For the heavier exercises upper body and lower body.
- Red (heavy) – For heavy workouts.
- Black (extra heavy) – Suitable for very intensive workouts.
You also have brands that work with other colors. For example, the resistance bands that you encounter at some specialty stores. These have different resistances and colors:
- Red resistance band: resistance 2 kg to 5 kg.
- Black resistance band: resistance 5 kg to 20 kg.
- Purple resistance band: resistance 10 kg to 35 kg.
- Green resistance band: resistance 20 kg to 55 kg.
Best Resistance Bands (2021)
It actually makes sense that you go for the best resistance bands. When you get cheap resistance bands at home, you will notice that they break very quickly. Sometimes after just one exercise.
A good resistance band that lasts for a long time costs between € 10 and € 15 per band. The belt then has a length of about one and a half to three meters. You also have complete packs with five different colors. You are often cheaper than that. You also have very cheap ones where you pay about two to three euros per tire. You can't expect quality for this money.
Curious about the best resistance bands of the moment? Below you will find some models including an extensive description. This way you know immediately whether these are the best resistance bands for your training program.
Resistance band MSD – for professionals
One of the best resistance bands is the MSD brand. The name is also known as MoVeS Band. The resistance bands of this brand are often used by physiotherapists. This is because they are equipped with an anti-overstretching function. That's exactly why MSD resistance bands don't tear or snap.
The MoVes Band is not only recommended for physiotherapists but also for professional athletes. Or for people who place high demands on a resistance band. This brand releases resistance bands in the following colors and resistance levels:
- Yellow: light – resistance from 1 to 1.9 kg
- Red: medium – resistance from 1.5 to 3.2 kg
- Green: heavy – resistance from 1.6 to 3.5 kg
- Blue: extra heavy – resistance from 2.2 to 4 kg
- Black: very heavy – resistance from 2.5 to 4.9 kg
To resistance bands MSD
These resistance bands are equipped with the unique Snap-Stop system. This is important because a lot of force is exerted on the belt during training. A tear in the tire will cause it to burst. Thanks to the Snap-Stop system, this snapping is prevented, even if there is already a tear in the tire. It is also advisable to check the tire weekly for the presence of cracks.
Tunturic Resistance Bands
Another widely sold brand that is among the best resistance bands is the Tunturi brand. This brand markets various fitness aids. Tunturi resistance bands are widely sold. This has to do with the price-quality ratio. In general, users give a good rating to these resistance bands.
For example, the set of four resistance bands in the colors yellow, green, blue and black. These bands have a latex resistance and can be used effectively for your training goals. Suitable for novice but also for experienced athletes.
You also have the separate resistance bands. You can choose from different colors with corresponding resistance levels. This is what the resistance level looks like at Tunutri:
- Yellow: extra light
- Red light
- green: medium
- Blue: heavy
- Black: extra heavy
These are the best resistance bands to use for full-body workouts. Also suitable for personal trainers, physiotherapists, osteopaths and crossfitters.
View Tunturi resistance bands
The Tunturi resistance bands have a Scandinavian design. All products come with a long warranty period. The material of these resistance bands consists of 100% natural latex. Compared to MSD, which is the best resistance band after all, Tunturi will be of slightly lesser quality. But still excellent and above all very very affordable.
Resistance bands with handles
Did you know that resistance bands with handles are also available? These are ideal for training the arm muscles, but also for the leg muscles. Some models also contain special anklets.
The advantage of resistance bands with handles is that they are an excellent replacement for fitness equipment. Ideal when you can't go to the gym or miss certain training sessions.
The Athletix for example. These are resistance bands with handles that you can put on yourself (and therefore also take off). This is how you determine your own personal training. The set consists of different resistance bands, handles and ankle bands. So not only set your own training level, but also the training schedule. Everything is customizable.
To resistance bands with handles
A similar set is Gymston's, but you also have many other brands of resistance bands with handles. On average you pay for a complete set between € 35 and € 50. Take a good look at the user reviews, they are always included. There are brands that score excellently, but also less good brands. Those from Matchu Sports are not as good as they look. It is also better to leave the unbranded resistance bands with handles on the side.
Order resistance bands on AliExpress
More and more people order resistance bands on AliExpress, Wish or another Asian web store. Is this recommended? No, this kind of cheap resistance bands is three times nothing. The quality is really to cry about.
First, the resistance itself. It is so minimal that you cannot train effectively. The resistance is actually so low that you might as well use an elastic from a pair of pants. In addition, the quality. Don't be surprised that AliExpress resistance bands will snap within a few uses. This allows you to immediately throw them in the trash.
If you ask me, you'd rather not buy resistance bands on AliExpress. Okay it is very cheap but when you add one or more tens you get the best resistance bands at home. Simply via a Dutch webshop, which is also trusted and safe. Because if the resistance band is not good, you are entitled to warranty.
Using resistance bands
Of course you go for the best resistance bands, but how do you use them? The advantage of this is that you do not have to spend thousands of euros on fitness equipment. All you need is some good resistance bands, your body and gravity.
Resistance bands create a tension on the muscles. This positively influences muscle growth. The advantage of resistance bands is that they do not put so much strain on your joints. Ideal if you have joint complaints such as osteoarthritis, arthritis or rheumatism. In addition, resistance bands are lightweight, so you can take them anywhere.
Below are some exercises you can do with resistance bands. Add these exercises to your training schedule. It is important to choose a varied training schedule. This means performing each exercise up to three times a week.
Exercises for the back
Resistance band exercises for the back. You train not only the back but also the biceps.
Wrap a resistance band around your left foot. Bend your knees slightly and let your torso hang slightly forward. Now grab the resistance band with your left hand and keep your arm straight. Pull the band up, moving your elbow back. Repeat 15-20 times and then switch to the other foot and arm.
You can also do the good morning exercise with this. Wrap the resistance band around both feet and grab it with both hands. Bend at a 90° angle and now slowly rise to an upright position. Your arms remain in a straight position.
Resistance band exercises legs
The resistance band exercises for the legs below are easy to perform at home. You need a chair and of course a resistance band for this.
To replace the leg extension. Sit on the chair and put the resistance band around both lower legs. Preferably just above the ankles. Raise your right leg, extending it all the way. Hold this stretched position for a few seconds and then move back. Repeat with the other leg. You also repeat these exercises 15-20 times in 3-4 sets.
The next exercise replaces the leg curl, you train your hamstrings with it. Wrap a resistance band around your thighs and get on your hands and knees. Extend your right leg and move the foot towards the buttocks. You will feel that the hamstring is tightened. Hold this position for a while and then return to the starting position. Repeat 15-20 times, alternating left and right. This exercise is less suitable for people with knee osteoarthritis.
Other exercises that you can do with the best resistance bands are fire hydrants, resistance band squats and side shuffle. You can find more resistance band exercises on the internet.
Resistance band exercises abs
Also focus on the resistance band exercises abs. For example the Bicycle crunches or the Mountain climbers. You make these exercises harder by using a resistance band.
Resistance band exercises arms
Popular resistance band exercises for the arms include the bicep curl and the tricep pushdown. This trains the biceps and triceps, which gives you stronger arm muscles.
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